Mac Lofton

A creative powerhouse making pixels & people come alive in memorable experiences 

Reinventing the Product Comparison Journey
Ux Design
Empowering Budtenders through Seamless Digital Transformation
Product Design
Cultivating Digital Wellbeing for Black Men
Ux Design
Transforming Digital Experience into High touch Precision Medicine
Product Design
WhO I Am
I challenge norms, spot trends, and craft business-driven solutions. My values? Authenticity and self-discipline. I'd rather embrace my imperfect journey than mimic someone else's perfect path.

Even when I'm not "working", I'm absorbing. From pop culture pop-ups to rare museum exhibits, I'm all about experiences. And speaking of experiences, the George Floyd protests in 2020 ignited my passion for advocating mental health and self-care in the Black community.
My Journey to this moment..
I began in Digital Marketing by understanding the value of getting users engaged with the customer funnel. That then led me to designing, leading and creating personalized experiences for users, which then opened the opportunity for me to lead practitioners through learning the design process and feel empowered to create impact for business and its end users.
Why Human-Centered Design?
My "why" is simple. Personal gratification and doing the right thing. It's not about the fortune, but the fulfillment found in acts of service. And when it comes to creating? I trust the process, focus on the audience, and aim to solve real problems.
How Do I Approach Design?
Every project begins with understanding. I dive deep into the project's essence, prioritize the user, and align with client needs. My approach? Research, wireframes, testing, and prototypes. And with a keen eye on trends, I bring concepts to life.


Let's Collab!