
My Approach


Discover & Define

A critical phase in the process where I try and understand the "what" and the right problem to solve. From here we can define what success is, constraints, scope and who our users are and what they need. It's also a good opportunity to see what we can learn along the way!


Research & Ideate

Never one to jump straight into designing, I like to take the time to explore and gather data and insights that can help me make more informed design decisions. From here I may sketch or model out a few different options to pursue.



Test often! I test and remove any assumptions or validate anything I can. The earlier the better before shipping. There are many methodologies to use in this process from a quick and dirty paper prototype to a more polished A/B test.



This is where the magic happens. By now I will have a good idea of what I want to go market with and will design the product!


Ship & Learn  

The beauty of product design is that it's never finished. Once it's in the market it will need to evolve and change due to changing user behaviors, new data and insights, or shifts in the market. Once the product is released into the wild, it's time to observe, learn, and begin to define what we need to do next.


Iterate & Scale

I love taking an initial idea, iterating on it and then scaling it to accommodate even more use cases, users and markets. This is the time to begin optimizing the product to hit KPIs and improve user experience!


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